For new and experienced supervisory board members of affiliated organizations, we are again organizing a meeting for those who consider it important to keep their sector knowledge up to date.
During this meeting, Margreet Plug (Director, Goede Doelen Nederland) will talk about developments in the sector in general and the position of nonprofits in a changing society. Frederike van Harskamp (Candidate Notary, Van Doorne) will guide you through relevant legislation, current affairs, and the decision-making cycle. Diederik van der Plas (Data-analist, CBF) will update you on external supervision. Moreover, during this meeting, we will discuss and exchange experiences, and you will have the opportunity to network with other supervisory board members. After this meeting, you will have gained current knowledge and tools that you can immediately apply in your supervisory role.
If English-speaking participants register, this meeting will be held in English.